Saturday, September 6, 2008

When Things Go Wrong - Trouble-Shooting Tips

Sewing Techniques

When Things Go Wrong - Trouble-Shooting Tips

We can all heave a huge sigh of relief because, it’s quite true, nobody is perfect! Things do go wrong, even for those of us who have sewn for many years, so Wendy Gardiner has provided a list of a few of the most common stitch problems and hopefully, some helpful solutions!

Troubled stitching

Unfortunately, there are a whole host of reasons why stitching may not be satisfactory, from wrong needle, stitch length, width or tension to fluff, incorrect threading and even old threads! Here are a few of the common dilemmas and solutions:

HANDY HINT: Always make sure the presser foot is raised and the needle is in highest position when threading the sewing machine. Failure to do so can mean the thread doesn’t go through the tension discs properly.

skipped or broken stitches can be the result of blunt needles, wrong tension or incorrect threading

Skipped or broken stitching

Skipped stitches may be caused because the thread isn’t feeding evenly and thus creates varying stitch lengths. Broken stitching can be caused by thread breaking, incorrect stitch length for fabric type or badly performing needles. Try the following remedies:

1. Check that the machine is threaded properly and that the thread travels through the tension discs smoothly (make sure presser foot is raised when checking).

2. Clean out bobbin race to ensure there is no fluff catching in the mechanism.

3. Ensure the thread is coming off the reel the right way (from underneath the reel or up and over, depending on how the users manual advises) and that the reel is held in place with a thread retainer. Otherwise the thread reel bounces up and down the spindle as you stitch, which can cause uneven stitching, skipped stitching or even broken threads.

4. Make sure the needle is inserted the right way round and is fully inserted into the holder. Tighten needle with screwdriver.

5. Try a new needle. A blunt needle, or one with a tiny burr in the eye (invisible to the naked eye) can shred or break the thread as it travels through at speed.

6. Use a smaller size needle. Too large or heavyweight a needle can cause skipped stitches on lightweight fabric.

Use a zigzag stitch on stretch fabrics so the stitching will stretch with the fabric

7. Use a zigzag stitch on stretch fabric, or fabric cut on the bias which has more stretch.

8. Another reason for thread breakage is a needle with too small an eye for the thread or stitching. Try a larger eyed needle (embroidery and jeans needles tend to have larger eyes) or when using metallic threads, use a metalfil needle which has a coated eye.

Bobbin thread visible on top

1. Rethread both bobbin and top thread before making any machine adjustments. Sometimes it is simply a threading problem.

2. Having checked threading, check the stitch length/width is suitable for fabric type. Use small stitches for lightweight fabric and longer stitching for heavier weight fabric.

3. If bobbin thread is still visible, alter needle tension, very slightly, a little at a time until the stitches are forming properly – with top thread visible on the top and bobbin thread visible on the underside.

Top thread clearly visible on underside

1. Again rethread both bobbin and top threads again, just in case they are incorrectly threaded.

2. Check stitch length and if applicable width, is suitable for the fabric weight and number of layers.

3. Alter tension, as above, turning dial to right to tighten it and to left to loosen it.

HANDY HINT: It is rarely necessary to alter tensions on modern machines and a small alteration to tighten or loosen the tension goes a long way so adjust very slowly, a little at a time.

Troublesome needles

Problems can occur when the needle isn’t inserted properly, when using a blunt or damaged needle or the wrong type of needle.
If the needle hits the presser foot it can break. Change presser foot and/or check the needle isn’t bent

Needles break

1. Check that it is going down through the throat plate and not hitting the side or indeed the side of the foot. Do this by turning the balance wheel by hand (turning towards you). This may happen if using the wrong presser foot for the stitch selected or because the needle is bent out of shape.

Tighten the needle with a screwdriver to prevent it working loose and wobbling about

2. Check that the needle is properly inserted (usually this is flat to the back, but check users manual) and that it is fully inserted. Tighten the retaining screw by hand initially and then finish tightening with the screw driver supplied in the tool kit. Note, failure to tighten the screw sufficiently can result in the screw working itself loose as the machine stitches, which in turn will allow the needle to wobble or drop.

3. Is it the right type of needle for the fabric and layers being stitched? If it breaks when stitching heavy fabric, try a heavier needle. For instance, use a denim needle when sewing heavyweight fabrics, denim and thick fleece.

If thread wraps around the spindle it can pull tight, causing skipped stitches or broken thread4. Is the upper thread getting caught up around the thread spindle, pulling it tight? Remove the thread, and rethread, ensuring that a retainer is put on the spindle to hold the reel in place.

5. If stitching very dense designs, or stitching over another part of a design, the needle may break because it cannot penetrate the concentrated stitching. Use a sharp new needle and lighter weight thread, such as machine embroidery thread.

Needle is sticky and sticking

This can be caused by craft glues, fusible interfacings etc. Clean the needle with a cleaning agent or alcohol and wipe thoroughly before re-inserting it.

Holes are created in fabric if the needle size is too big or blunt

Needle leave holes

1. An old blunt needle will leave holes. Change needles every project or after every six hours of stitching.

2. If working with lightweight fabrics, make sure the needle is the right size. Use a size 9(65) for very fine net, georgette, lace and cotton lawn and size 11 (75) for silks, gingham, fine poplins and taffetas.

Clean out the bobbin casing regularly. Fluff can cause the mechanism to skip stitches or even jamAvoiding problems

1. Clean out the bobbin race regularly. After every sewing session, or more frequently if stitching fabrics that fray and fluff a lot (such as fleece or fur fabrics). Fluff in the works can prevent the bobbin working properly, prevent the needle thread linking up with the bobbin thread and more.

2. Change needles regularly. If you are unsure what type of needle is in the machine, replace it.

HANDY HINT: Colour code any needles you can re-use (such as embroidery, jeans or twin needles you’ve only used for a small project). That way you will easily see which type of needle it is.

3. Avoid using cheap threads – they will break easily. Also throw away any old threads that have been saved in grandmother’s box of haby for years. They may have weakened over time.

4. Make sure the presser foot is raised and needle in the highest position when threading the machine as this releases tension discs and enables threads to slip through them easily.

5. When changing stitch pattern or presser foot, take one stitch by turning the balance wheel by hand to ensure the needle goes through the foot and throat plate without hitting either of them. If it does, check the right foot is being used and that the needle is not bent.

6. Try out stitching on scraps of the same layers of fabric, interfacings, waddings etc.

Sewing machine problems

Lubricating – most modern machines are self-lubricating and thus do not need oiling. However check with the users' manual and oil as indicated if required. Do get your machine serviced regularly – even if it is self-lubricating, it needs an overhaul occasionally!

Tips for Taking Body Measurements

Tips for Taking Body Measurements

By Jennifer Gruenemay, ACE-Certified, LifeScript Staff Writer
Saturday, July 28, 2007

Taking your measurements before you start a weight loss plan is a good idea. Not only will it cement the fact that you’re starting a journey toward a healthier you, it’ll also give you a good idea of where exactly you’re starting out. Unfortunately, taking measurements and comparing them to your progress later on down the line isn’t always an accurate science. Will you measure your thighs at exactly the same place as the first time, or will you accidentally measure yourself an inch lower on your leg where your thighs are slimmer naturally and fool yourself into thinking you’ve lost more weight than you really have? While you can take personal notes during the first measurement to remind you where exactly you’re taking the first measurement, learning how to take body measurements with these tips will help even more:
  • Keep the length of the measuring tape perfectly parallel to the floor at all times.
  • Pull the tape snug, but not so tight that it squeezes your body.
  • Measurements taken around the neck, buttocks, thighs, calves, biceps, and forearm should be taken around the largest circumference.
  • Waist measurement should be taken around the smallest circumference.
  • Stand with your feet together when taking hip, buttock and thigh measurements, and never flex or tense your body while you’re taking measurements.
  • Don’t suck in your stomach to take waist measurements, or you’ll just get a false measurement.
And above all, relax! Let it all hang loose, because the more honest you are with your first set of measurement, the higher magnitude of change you’ll see when you start to lose weight. And there’s nothing more motivating than progress!